Be Simply Free Forever
online course & membership

Declutter your home, calendar
& mind with this course!


Be Simply Free Forever is the ultimate online
organising course where you get personalised
access to a Professional Organiser.

  • Do you wish there were more hours in the day?

  • Do you long for a home that is less cluttered?

  • Are you so busy you can’t find time to do anything for yourself?

  • Are you so overwhelmed you wouldn’t even know what to do if you had time?

Sometimes life can feel like you’re trapped in a hamster wheel and no matter how hard you work you can never get ahead. But there is a way out. 

It’s time to get off the hamster wheel that is life and shake things up!

You don’t have to keep doing ‘all of the things’, let’s work together to work out what can stay and go!


Declutter wins from past clients

“WE JUST BOUGHT OUR DREAM HOME! There is no way we would be in the position to even contemplate a move, let alone buy our dream home, if it hadn’t been for the decluttering & organising journey you took me through! – Katherine, SA

“For the first time ever I just kissed the kids goodnight, walked into the lounge room, went over my evening list of jobs in my head & I realised I have NOTHING to do! I can watch TV guilt-free (but not going to as we now do Mon-Thurs no TV). Dishes done, lunch boxes etc ready, washing done. I think I need a hobby! LOL!” – Kelly, SA 

The course has given me insightful ideas, practical strategies, motivation to declutter & a more wholistic look at life to help support using my time more meaningfully!” – Prue, SA

Let me help you…

  • Design your decluttered life and take back control of your time.

  • Plan out your ideal environment for home, work and play.

  • Clear your mind of all those nagging to do’s by getting them out of your head and into a plan.

  • Get the whole family onboard and willing to pull their weight, do their share and keep things tidy.

  • Set up a simple planning system that makes your week flow with ease while maximising your time, energy, and resources.

  • Transform your home and create breathtaking spaces with simple design hacks.

  • Organise every space in your home from the bedroom to the Tupperware cupboard, and even that messy junk draw I know you’ve got.

  • Break down your cleaning schedule and free up your weekends for all the things you love to do.

  • Set your home up for your family’s needs instead of your visitors.

  • Put an end the millions of questions you get asked each day about what’s for dinner, what we’re doing and where we are going.

  • Turn all your unwanted trash into cash and make way more than the cost of the course back!

If you’re saying YES PLEASE to any or all of the above then Be Simply Free Forever is for you! 

Be Simply Free Forever is the ultimate online solution delivered in an up close and personal way.

Join Australia’s most personalised and interactive declutter community where you will be supported every step of the way. We will cheer you on and hold you accountable as you transform your home, life and mind. 

How does the program work?

Kajabi Membership Site

As soon as we start the course, you will gain access to our signature Clear Clutter Find Time course with videos and workbooks within the Be Simply Free Forever membership. Our new and improved membership site on Kajabi which means you can access it from your computer or the Kajabi app on your phone.

Each month new masterclasses are loaded into the portal along with a beginner and advance challenge to kickstart your decluttering. 

For the eager beavers, you can charge through the content and start decluttering specific areas of your home, using the “how to declutter” videos and templates.

Each module’s content includes a selection of short videos which you can watch at your own leisure. There will also be “how-to” videos showing step by step guides and questions to ask yourself as you declutter spaces in your home.

Private Facebook Group

To keep your motivation high, we have set up a private Facebook group just for members. You can share your progress and ask any extra questions.

Access to Your Own Personal Organisation Expert

Hi, I’m Bridget Johns and I’ll be your personal Organisation Expert throughout this program. I been in your shoes, you can read about it here.

I’ve been stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted trying to live a “perfect” life with a house full of stuff and a calendar full of things others told me I “should” be doing. I burnt myself out. I then used the strategies I share in Clear Clutter Find Time to strip back the physical stuff in our life, that no longer served us, and built a life where we focus on collecting moments not things.

Are you ready to do the same? 

Through the Facebook group, you will have access to ask me unlimited questions about how to declutter your spaces, calendar, and mind. You can share pictures of your spaces and I will offer personalised suggestions of how you can declutter that space. Participants that have the most success during this course are the ones that interact, set their decluttering actions for the week and share their progress in the group.

Expert masterclasses

In addition to having unlimited access to me as your Organisation Expert via the Facebook group, we have TWO live Q&A sessions each month PLUS 12 recorded guest expert masterclasses to help you clear any roadblocks between you and your decluttered life and home! 


Bridget Johns 

Organisation Expert

Two live Question & Answer sessions per month

I’m on a mission to help women simplify their lives so as well as being able to connect with me daily via the interactive Facebook group and twice a month Q&A calls.  

There is a day time and an evening live Q&A each month. You can share your wins, challenges and questions and we can discuss solutions live on the Zoom call. Between calls you can access my support daily via the private course Facebook group.  

You can learn more about me here.

12 Guest Expert Replays Ready to Watch Straight Away

  1. How to grow a garden that saves you time – Horticulturalist Chloe Thomson from Sprout School
  2. Reducing the camera roll overwhelm – How to effectively cull your camera roll & take better photos on your phone – Professional Photographer Nadinne Wilkinson from Nadinne Grace Photography
  3. Minimalism & manifestation – Money Mindset Coach Shona Gates from Sexy Selfish 
  4.  How to understand your hormones – PT Jade Leray from Beautiful Bodies Society
  5.  How to choose preservative & colour free food simply – Nabs Brdar from Supermarket Swap
  6.  How to capture your memories on paper – Author Renee Melizza from Dear Darling xo
  7.  How to organise your digital & printed photos – Photo Organiser Simone Larwood from Your Photos Filed 
  8.  Healthy food organisation on the go – Health Coach Lisa Wells from Living the Healthy Way
  9.  Understanding your style & minimising your wardrobe – Personal Stylist Nat Tucker from Make It Look Easy
  10.  Simplify your workouts – PT & Pilates Instructor Bridie Walker from She Moves
  11.  Express yourself & roar – Interior Designer Moria Coffey
  12. Setting up your home office – Interior Designer Tonja Wright

Program breakdown

When you join you will have immediate access to the following content:

LIVE CALLS – 2 per month

  • To help you, we offer two live Q&A calls via Zoom each month
  • An evening call – on the second Wednesday of each month 7.30-8.30pm ACST/ACDT
  • A daytime call – on the third Thursday of each month 12noon-1pm ACST/ACDT
  • In these sessions, you can ask Bridget anything about the course content or any spaces in your home. 

MODULE 1 – Setting yourself up to success

  • Understanding your why

  • We’ll map out your week

  • Set yourself and your week up for success

  • How to set up your morning, afternoon and evening routines.

MODULE 2 – How to declutter 

  • How do you declutter?

  • How do you make decluttering a habit?

  • The “Stop, Focus, Notice” strategy

  • Cleaning routines 

  • How to set your home up for your family, not your visitors

  • Strategies for decluttering different areas of your home

MODULE 3 – Decluttering the kitchen 

  • Step by step guide for how to declutter your kitchen
  • Guides to understand what should stay and go in YOUR kitchen
  • How to set up your kitchen so you can cook with ease
  • Tips for reducing your food budget
  • Meal planning and recipe suggestions 
  • Fridge, freezer and pantry set up suggestions

    MODULE 4 – Bedrooms & clothes

    • How to set up your master bedroom as a sanctuary 
    • How to set up children’s bedrooms to avoid clutter collection
    • Maximising your outfit selections by minimising your clothes 
    • How to set up a laundry/clothes washing system that works for your family
    • Tips to stop the “floor-robe” (all your clothes being on the floor instead of in the wardrobe) or pile of clothes living on a chair

    MODULE 5 – Storage solutions

    Hints, tips and how-to guides for some of those miscellaneous storage spaces and things like the:

      • Linen cupboard (including how to fold fitted sheets)
      • Junk drawers
      • Spare rooms
      • Junk rooms
      • Garage 
      • Sentimental items

    MODULE 6 – Gift giving and kids’ stuff

    This week is split into two. Even if you don’t have children, you will still gain valuable insight from our gift giving section. Feel free to skip the second section of videos on kids’ stuff if it isn’t relevant to your life BUT if you are a grandparent, I highly encourage you to watch these video as well-meaning Grandparents can be a cause of a lot of toy and clothes clutter.

    Gift Giving

    • Understanding your love language and the love language of others around you 
    • How to give meaningful gifts that don’t add unnecessary clutter to homes
    • Experience gift ideas for different ages
    • Low clutter birthday party ideas

    Kids’ Stuff

    • How to set up a toy space (either within a shared lounge room, bedroom or separate toy room)
    • Toy rotation strategies 
    • Key toys to have in your home 
    • Strategies for managing new toys coming into your home
    • Tips to say no to more stuff

    MODULE 7 – Office & paperwork

    • Determining where your home office space is (even if you don’t have a separate office room)
    • What to have in your office
    • Strategies for handling paper clutter entering your home 
    • How to reduce digital clutter 
    • How to run a zero inbox
    • How to declutter and organise your hard copy and digital photographs
    • Schoolbag/work bag storage solutions
    • What a home launchpad is and how it saves you time

    MODULE 8 -What to do with your newfound time

    • How to build time into your week for the things that light you up
    • What is family fun time
    • What could couple time look like for you?

      MONTHLY – Masterclass and Challenge

      Each month we share a new 15-30 min video (which will take 1-2% of your day to watch) sharing how to declutter and get organised in an area of your home or life plus a beginner or advanced challenge to get you started. Past masterclasses you can watch straight away include: 

      • Reduce the email overload
      • Calendar and Time declutter
      • Simplify Christmas
      • Back to basics/daily routines
      • Minimalist meal planning
      • Order in the home office
      • Wardrobe revamp
      • Kids daily routine/expectations
      • Finance declutter and grow
      • Making time for fun
      • Car organisation
      • Simplify your spring clean 
      • Linen cupboard organisation


        If you join via an annual membership, you will get a complimentary private 60 minute declutter coaching session via Zoom with Bridget to get personalised support to declutter a space in your home (Valued at $299). 

          Are you ready to clear the clutter, make space and find time to collect memories with your loved ones?

          Course overview


          Start any time (new content added each month)

          Course duration

          Learn at your own pace with a mix of live and prerecorded sessions but we recommend joining for at least 3 months to make long term habit change.

          Course price

          $29 per month (cancel anytime) or $290 for 12 months (Get 2 months free access PLUS a private 60 min decluttering Zoom call with Bridget valued at $299)

          Designed for

          Women of all ages and stages of life who want to strip back the physical and emotional ‘stuff’ in their lives and learn the tips and tools to live an intentional life where there is more space in their homes, phones, calendars and minds. 


          From your home via videos in our new and improved KAJABI membership site (which you can access from your computer, phone or Kajabi app), live masterclass Zoom video calls (which will be recorded if you can’t join us live) and in our private Facebook group

          What’s Included


          Unlimited access to me as your Organisation Expert via the Facebook group to answer any questions about how to declutter and organise YOUR spaces


          Short videos to view at your leisure


          Monthly emails to help you stay on track


          Online membership site where you can find all the information in one place


          Downloadable worksheets to support you in implementing the learnings from each module


          Twice monthly live question and answer sessions via Zoom with me (which will be recorded for those that can not join us live)


          12 expert guest masterclasses with ready to watch in the membership portal


          Access to the Be Simply Free vault of masterclasses


          Access to our interactive private Facebook group


          Interactive accountability challenges in the private Facebook group to motivate and keep you on track

          Are you ready to find more time by clearing the clutter?

          Let’s get decluttering so you can make space in your home and find time in your calendar to collect more precious moments!


          Kind words from past participants

          Before I met Bridget my home was cluttered as was my head. My to do list was a mile long and I didn’t know where or how to start. I didn’t spend any time caring for myself and spent far too much time at work. I’ve learnt how to change this and live the best version of me as my mind is CLEAR allowing me the time to do what I want to do as well as what I have to do.  Having the accountability has encouraged me to do things I have been putting  off for years. Bridget’s support, knowledge and contacts have been invaluable and I have achieved even more than that to do list – I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!” – Karen, SA

          I have really enjoyed being a part of Clear Clutter Find Time. My home and mind are definitely feeling less cluttered. I’m doing less hours of cleaning but my home is tidier than before the challenge. I’m still working on prioritising myself but I’m getting there. I’m feeling much happier about life.” – Tracy, SA

          As a clutterer extraordinaire the course has been life-changing for me.  After a lot of attempts to declutter over the last few years I thought I was never going to succeed.  But Bridget’s course and very hands-on guidance has given me great success already,  and I am  enjoying my home and it’s more inviting and relaxing spaces so much more and relishing, at last, sharing these spaces with family and friends.  It’s as if a load has been lifted off my mind, and things seem clearer. I highly recommend the course.” – Merry SA

          I have really enjoyed the Be Simply Free decluttering course. She has helped me create  systems to make my house of six run a lot smoother, all whilst decluttering to creating more space and time for myself!” – Alicia SA

          Clear Clutter Find Time has given me the motivation, accountability and ideas I needed to bring a greater sense of warmth, peace and organisation to my home. While it can be daunting to share how messy or disorganised your home or life is, Bridget creates a safe online space to be open and honest. It’s a judgement free zone – that encourages you to start from where you’re at, in a way that works for you. The end goal is not instagrammable pantries and home offices but a home and life that reflect your unique values, personality and lifestyle.” Jess, SA

          Such a great course which covers so much content from sorting out what is important to you and your why for change to suggestions on decluttering specific areas of your home. Lots of practical and straight forward advice which easily becomes habit. Bridget is super positive and supportive, giving practical ideas and advice in the course with no judgement.” – Lisa, SA 

          I would highly recommend Bridget’s course as its has precise tips and is a great motivator to get your life & home sorted the group keeps you accountable and Bridget is a great support along the way!” – Saskia SA 

          Frequently asked questions

          Who is running this course?

          That would be me, Bridget Johns. Why learn from me? Well, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to read my journey here. I was a sleep-deprived mum, a perfectionist – paralysed by the tasks that look too big to complete “so why bother starting them?” I burnt the candle at both ends trying to be the best mother and career woman I could be but I was floundering at both.  

          That was eight years ago and I can honestly say doing the things I will explain in this course has made me a more fulfilled and happier person. When I started making the consistent and small steps to put myself first, other areas of my life became simpler, I became calmer and our family life became oh so much better!

          What is the time commitment to complete the course?

          I get it. You are already busy with so many things to do. The aim of this course is to give you space and permission to get off the hamster wheel that is life and stop, focus and notice a new way of living your life. You will get a short video and how-to strategies to try which should take less than 1% of your day (14.4 minutes) to watch. You can then choose how long you spend decluttering your spaces. I believe in taking baby steps and using 1% of your day to make changes. I will give extra challenges in the Facebook group but these are optional.

          Is the course run live?

          YES, you can join the course at any time. Most of the videos are pre-recorded so you can watch them at any time. If you want to charge ahead do so. 

          We have two LIVE Q&A Zoom calls each month to keep you motivated and we will run through decluttering scenarios from people in the group. The first call is held in the evening on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30-8.30pm ACST. The second call is held during the day on the third Thursday of each month at 12noon-1pm ACST. These are optional extras. If you can’t attend any of these sessions live, they will be recorded and you can watch them in your own time.

          I don’t use Facebook, can I still benefit from your online course?

          Yes. The main element of the course is through our Kajabi membership site and sent out via email. While you can do the course without Facebook, I HIGHLY recommend joining the private group as this will be the way to ask me additional questions (outside of the live Q&A session) throughout the course.

          I will be encouraging everyone (if they are comfortable) to share pictures of their spaces so I can offer suggestions on how to make the space feel cosy and functional. I’ll be encouraging everyone to learn from everyone else too.

          Am I worth it?

          YES, you are worth it! I know it can seem hard to invest in yourself when there are so many other things pulling on your budget, but you came to this page for a reason. You WANT to make a change and you want support to get there.

          The hardest step is to say “I’m worth it”. Many participants make the course fee back in the clutter they sell for cash. 

          Can I do it with a friend?

          Yes definitely, It’s always more fun involving friends! It’s also great to chat through ideas and your progress in person with a friend to help keep you accountable so please encourage your friends to sign up too! Maybe you could work as a team to tackle the kids’ toy room together in each other’s homes?

          How long will I be able to access the resources of the program?

          You will have unlimited access to the membership site, videos and templates for the duration of your membership. 

          Do you any other questions?

          I’m just an email away so send your questions through to me at

          be simply free logo white

          Bridget Johns, The Organisation Expert & Founder of Be Simply Free

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