
Client ideas in action – How Meghan’s boot box reduces her mental load

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Client case studies | 0 comments

We are coming to the end of our current Clear Clutter Find Time Course and my favourite bit is seeing the participants ease their mental load and find more time by decluttering different areas of their life.


Here is Meghan’s story to how a simple “boot box” is clearing her clutter and reducing her mental load. 


In the course, I talk about my “Just in Case Kits” in my car, handbag and laptop bag. You can read about what’s in my just in case it in this article. They allow me to change my plans and spend more time with family and friends.


These kits not only save me time, but they also save me money because I’m not buying food when children get hungry. It also reduces the single use plastics we buy because I have water bottles in the car. I don’t need to buy soft drinks, juice or water when we are out. It also reduces the random clutter that we bring home as I keep toys in my kits to entertain the kids while we are out rather than buying things to keep them entertained.


Meghan decided to make one and this is what she posted in the group. “This one felt good!! It took 1.5hours (6% of my day) but I decided to go slow and do it properly including an inventory stuck to the lid. I typed it out so over time it will be easy for me to edit and update. My theory here is anyone at a glance can have a look at what may be there i.e. grandparents/forgetful husband!”

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“It’s amazing what has been fit into such a small box (I followed Bridget’s advice) PLUS it’s all out of my cupboards and none of it will be missed!!”

“While packing the boxes I got excited at the prospect of being able to change plans on a whim. I was imagining driving along on a nice day and being able to decide to just stop in at the beach for a play with the kids opposed to it being a bit of an ordeal to make a morning of it each time hence it not happening as often as I’d like. On that note I’ve just realised I should pack my own bathers as well!”

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I commented that the inclusion of the inventory list was a great idea as it means anyone can refill it, further reducing Meghan’s mental load.

Meghan then wrote “Exactly right!! Hubby used the box first and said it’s great! He went to swimming lessons without pants for the 3 yr old… Doh! But it was all sorted because of the box! Hubby refilled the pants which reduced my mental load.”

I then commented how cool it was that other family members were seeing the benefits of the changes PLUS hubby refilled it!

Meghan said “It was the best! I saw him (Hubby) taking pants to the car and asked what are they for. He said ‘Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I’ve already had to use the box! It’s great!’ Whoop whoop! No pestering needed it’s already paid for my 6% investment of time.”


This is why I do what I do! I love seeing women reduce their mental load and develop systems that work for them and their families.


If you would like support like Meghan received in my Clear Clutter Find Time course, join the waitlist here NOW so you can be the first to find out when the course opens in early 2022.

If you would like personalised 1:1 support NOW, reach out to me via email or book a complimentary call to see if my 1:1 three monthly coaching series is right for you. Learn more about 1:1 coaching support here.



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